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Dare to admit, talk about, and stop Islamic terrorism?
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May 25, 2013 09:13:35   #
Let's set some constants and facts to start the discussion. Once we have that then there is a solution.

1. The Islamic terrorist are trying to do two things.
(a). Induce terror into societies other than Islam.
(b). Either convert everyone else to their religion, or if they cannot then either enslave or kill them.

2. Without any shadow of a doubt, this is a war which is being propagated against us - and make no mistake.
This is a HOLY WAR! (You can stick your head in the sand all you want, but that will not change anything) -- We are fighting a HOLY WAR being waged against us by Islamic terrorist who think they are following the teachings of their bible (the Koran) and they will be going to heaven if they are killed during the battles.

3. Most Muslims are not terrorist -- but -- most terrorist are Muslims.

4. The terrorist are the product of either radical religious schools or radical mosques.

5. Terrorist can die just like anyone else, and they can also fear aggression in the form of terrorism, from their enemies and they will run away and hide.

6. Islamic terrorist will never willingly give up their religion but they would fear the wrath of their enemies when it directly affects them and they could be silenced and made impotent if the attacks were turned against them. In other words; if they were the recipient of terrorism.

7. This is not a war for land or riches. This is a war against us - the infidels!

Now before all you whiny liberals get all upset and try to convince me of our past actions causing all this, just remember I am talking about today and tomorrow and quite simply, I do not give a crap about the past tense.

"Onward Christian Solders!"

Next post.
Just for the sake of argument you might ask just what I would do to take care of this problem?

That is as fair a question as me asking you what you would do to end this scourge of Islamic terrorist against our own country, our family and our friends.

Yes! I have a different solution and if you have the guts then read on. Else just go back under your covers and cower from the bogie man.

May 25, 2013 09:25:57   #
If I were in charge of ending this scourge against our society by Islamic terrorist then I would do the following. It should impact a lot less Muslims than Muslims whose actions are impacting us. It should end this Holy War against us in less than a month and it should allow us to live peacefully with or without the Muslim neighbors.

What would I do, you ask?

I would have our intelligence agencies (I assume they already have) identify the twenty most aggressive and largest Islamic schools and Mosques which are teaching their Religious hatred.

During the Friday prayers (or whenever the radicals go to pray) I would with cruse missiles -- and at one time -- reduce each to a pile of rubble.

Concurrently I would attack and kill every radical Muslim teacher of terror I could find. I feel confident that in one day we could kill at least a hundred or two. Kill them right out in view of their followers.

I would then go on the public airways and with our representatives around the world announce the following:

"Today, I responded to your war on terror. I will not attack you again unless you THREATEN or again attack us.

If you attack us even one more time I will double the amount of your masques which I will level and if you still continue I will in one day turn your most holy sites. Sites like Mecca into glass.

No more warnings, nothing will change. Your religious future is up to you.

Live with it!"

May 25, 2013 09:49:13   #
That's not really a solution.
It's just a continuation of what we have right now.

These people love death and destruction and use it to justify a continuation of the same.
Like it or not we are going to have to understand what Islam is and how it operates.

I've been collecting links to people who have set out to do that.
No one has ever solved a problem they don't understand.

Three Stages of Jihad

Terorrism in America: An Interview With Steve Klein spokes man for Innocents of the Muslims
Steve Klein
"The Global Threat of the Muslim Brotherhood"!

History of Hatred Against Israel & Jews -Glenn Beck

Eric Allen Bell - "#Islamophobia or Islamo-Reality?"

Muslim Leader Admits Islam Not a Religion of Peace

Prominent American Muslim, Umar Lee, leaves Islam: "We were lied to"

Whitewashing Islam: 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News)

Understanding the Islamic Bombing of the Boston Marathon


BREAKING: Obama Campaigned For Islamic Law In Kenya

Anjem Choudary says that he is on 'Jihad Seekers Allowance'

The innocent Prophet:
They say this 71 minute movie is controversial, because the Islamics don't like it.
No one has said, that any statement made in it, is factually wrong.

Bone appetit! Muslims go wild in 'demonic' ritual
'A dark and incomprehensible spirit has possessed the souls of Egypt'

Egyptian Cleric: Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message; Similar Attac

May 25, 2013 09:59:22   #
So Homestead; what would you do?

Not part of the solution - part of the problem!

May 25, 2013 10:58:35   #
The first step is education. Know your enemy.

There is no such thing as Islamic Terrorism, in that terrorism is the cornerstone of Islam.

You cannot have Islam without terrorism.

A distinction has to be made between the Muslim religion and Islam.

The Muslims and the Jews originally come from the same tribe. Christianity spins off from the Jews with the coming of Jesus.

Islam comes from the Muslims through Muhammad and that's where the trouble starts.

I sent with my reply, a number of links to investigate. There is no possible way that you could have watched them all, in this short of time.

I read a letter written by a German citizen who survived Hitler’s Nazi Germany. He maintained that the majority of the German people were not Nazi's, only 10% of the German people were Nazis.

The trouble is that when the 10% of the population who are Nazis are the leaders of the country, then the population are Nazis.......or ELSE!!

This is the problem right now, with Islam. The leaders know where they're headed and how they are going to get there. They do not inform the average Muslim, the average Muslim has no idea and they use propaganda to misinform the world so that the world doesn't know what's coming either.

There are many people, right now, risking their lives trying to educate the Muslims to their own religion and to the world as to what is coming.

Watch the links and you will see your ideas change as to how to deal with this as you learn more about what it is.

May 25, 2013 12:48:32   #

Yadda, yadda, yadda, and no solutions.

All you have to offer is just more talk. Are you really so ignorant that you think that will do squat?

Come on, give specifics of WHAT YOU WOULD DO - STARTING TODAY?

Forget the personal attacks and all the links leading nowhere.

If you (as you seem to suggest) think education is the solution. Then grab the first flight to Iran and hold a educational seminar. Make sure you invite the head Ayatollah as a guest speaker. Then let us know how that works out for you.

If you don't like that idea then just tell us WHAT WOULD YOU DO -SPECIFICALLY to end this madness NOW?

May 25, 2013 14:11:43   #
First look at the three phases of jihad!

Muslims come in small numbers.

Some really do believe in American freedom and are committed to it.

But, behind them come the infiltrators who complain about being persecuted. They are in fact the persecutors.

They corrupt our freedom of speech to use against us.

The only way to fight that is with the the truth, the whole truth and nothing but, the truth. You know, THE FACTS!

But, under Islam , the truth is not a defence. Their religion is the only religion and anything else is an insult to Islam and there fore must be destroyed. If that fact gets out, then Islam might be stopped, therefore the truth must be suppressed and telling the truth is persecuting Islam.

You want to fight the Islamic take over of America? Then at least watch this video of a liberal that woke up. He has a suggestion for educating other Americans that don't get it.

And by the way, the first step in fighting Islam is
waking up America to what's going on.

Eric Allen Bell - "#Islamophobia or Islamo-Reality?"

To counter their plan, which has been developed over the last 1,400 hundred years, you need to understand how it works. So at least watch:

Three Stages of Jihad

The second thing you can do is join and support those who are already out there risking their lives dealing with this problem, such as:

Terorrism in America: An Interview With Steve Klein spokes man for Innocents of the Muslims
Steve Klein

We have freedom of religion in this country. Treason disguised as religion is not protected.
Therefore you will have to determine where religion ends and treason begins, therefore there is home work that has to be done whether you want to or not.

Our Constitution is based on the Natural laws of man. Islam and Shari law are not. They are not compatible.

What would I do?

Step one:

Educate people on the history of the Muslim religion and Mohammed and how he corrupted it into Islam.
That means getting people to actually watch the links sent to them explaining what they are up against, so they may develop the strategies necessary to to counteract them.

Step two:

The average American no longer understands the Constitution and it's founding principles or history. If they knew this, Islam wouldn’t stand a chance. Therefore to stop Islam the country has to relearn what the country was founded on, not what they've decided it was founded on.

Step three:

I haven't found the link, but, one women has already given two speeches before a sheriffs convention where she stated her research that the government has the right to shut down Muslim mosques based on their activities and due process of law.

Step four:

Barac Obama is a Muslim and is infiltrating this country with Muslim traitors to undermine the country and the Constitution. So obviously he has to go and everyone he's appointed. But, that would be profiling and profiling is wrong, or so he says.

Again, if the average American knew the Constitution and supported it, the Islamists efforts would be in vain. Therefore people have to learn about the Constitution.

Again, if the people were educated to Islam, they wouldn't allow these people to be appointed or stay in office.

Treating, educating the American people, to what Islam is as a non action is foolish at best.

Finally, since Islam has been allowed to get a foot hold in this country, then at some point blood will be spilled to rid the country of it. But, if you think that you can skip everything in between now and the blood spilling and that that will fix everything.......
Your sadly mistaken.

What am I going to do?
I'm doing it now!

I gave you a list of links to look at. They only start to scratch the surface.

Every link that is successful in explaining Islam invokes a law suit from Islam to get that link shut down. The truth is no defence.

I suggest you watch them as soon as possible. I've had to find them several times as the political arm of Islam has had their effect.

May 25, 2013 17:41:53   #

Once again you fill up a post with links, wishes and should have been's.

I suggest you re-read a quote from my original post. Read slow!

Quote: "just remember I am talking about today and tomorrow and quite simply, I do not give a crap about the past tense. "

I don't know how to present it any more simple to you.

Summary: I for one; am not the lest bit interested in a long term solution to this problem. I want a final solution! We have the capacity to exercise our military options to protect our citizens and we should quit pissing into the wind and kick some serious arse.

If you re-read my original post you will notice I am not suggesting war on the passive Muslims, I am suggesting extreme aggression to the terrorist and their ilk. (Including their families, kin folk and friends.) It is time they felt the terror they keep trying to hang around our necks.

It is time they fear to visit their holy-war shrines and schools of terrorism, because once there, they themselves could die. Not only can we rid ourselves of the fanatics, we can starve them when they have no one visiting their radical mosques to place money in their coffers.

Think what ended WWII then remember Berlin! If Bush had the guts to treat Baghdad and Tehran like the Soviets treated Berlin this crap would be over and done with and thousands of American lives would have been saved.

No more excuses, because trying to get me to just re-read some links will not accomplish this goal today or tomorrow.

All that said. Thanks for taking the time to think about the topic and contribute your thoughts

The Cracker

May 25, 2013 19:04:11   #
sisl Loc: West by God Virginia
Cracker----ON THE JOB, and writing checks with his mouth that his ass can't cash!

With our current regime in Washington, we are more likely to shower a Mosque with rose petals.

And "republicans" are not much better, if at all.

Your ideas are good, Cracker, but there is no WILL to do it. None.

May 25, 2013 20:34:33   #
OK Sisl.

What do you suggest we do?

Oh, btw.... I (thank god) do not have to use my mouth to write a check. My hands work just fine, thank you.

May 25, 2013 20:38:29   #
We have already had the Crusades, it beat them back, but did not stop them.
The Islamists are world wide now, not confined to just one country.
They hide among the moderates and the infidels alike. They are like a cancer, leave anything and they will be back, with a vengeance.

Trying to cure a symptom does not cure the disease.

If you want immediate solutions to the the Islamists then you need to start now. Stop stalling and look at what you need to stop.

I did read your original post and if you had at least looked at the "Three Stages of Jihad," you'd see for yourself why it wouldn't work and how it would help them get to the second stage of Jihad. Maybe even skipping it and getting right to the third.

May 26, 2013 08:02:27   #
Sorry folks, what is happening right now has been prophesied for thousands of years.
NO ONE can stop it.
This goes back to Isaac & Ishmael.
Their is only one way to escape it.
The vast majority of people who think they will escape it, have been deceived.
Their shall be weeping & gnashing of teeth.
Carry on.

May 26, 2013 09:39:11   #
snowbear37 Loc: MA.
Homestead you are correct according to the "three stages of jihad". However, education and enlightenment are only part of what must be done. Education may convince "so-called" peaceful or ignorant muslims what is going on in their own religion, but Cracker has a point with regard to the aggressive, violent muslims. I think a combination of strategies would be called for: Absolutely educate everyone regarding the ultimate goals of islam in order to kind of stem the tide. But there should also be some "fighting fire with fire" as well. Terrorists depend mostly on fear to achieve results. Even though our country has prevented many planned attacks on airlines, look at what just the "threat" of these attacks has done to our economy and travel procedures. We should start to instill the same fear in them that they have in us. Whether or not they believe that if they die in jihad they go to heaven and get 72 virgins or not, I really don't care. As far as I can see, they'll cause us less problems in heaven than they do here on earth. If they want to go to heaven ASAP, then we should hurry them along. To do this, will require (as indicated in the video) some blood will be spilt.

May 26, 2013 10:02:32   #
Right on.PC kills and the people become like emus,they "stick the head in the sand"and believes nobody sees them.We have to see Islam and Muslim terrorists for what they are,barbaric and evil

May 26, 2013 10:59:37   #
Now your headed down the right path. But, some of that violence may have to be reserved for ourselves. This country has been infiltrated and we are now part of the problem. The United States is now promoting and supporting Shari Law.

If we can't keep our own Constitution intact, protected from Islam, then we have lost already. The only thing that will undo the damage is waking up the rest of the country so that we may act as a country against a common enemy.

Sound far fetched, Check out this video from the same person who did the three stages of Jihad. We have already lost ground.

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