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The "Everyone is a spy" surveillance bill
Apr 16, 2024 07:32:57   #
ACP45 Loc: Rhode Island
"Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was enacted to make it easier for the government to address foreign terrorist threats. Targeting Americans is prohibited but intelligence agencies have used Section 702 to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. And this week it’s looking to get a lot worse.

Elizabeth Goitein of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, does a great job of explaining it and sounding the alarm. ....

By changing the definition of “electronic communications surveillance provider,” an amendment offered by House intel committee leaders and passed by the House vastly expands the universe of entities that can be compelled to assist the NSA.

If the bill becomes law, any company or individual that provides any service whatsoever may be forced to assist in NSA surveillance, as long as they have access to equipment on which communications are t***smitted or stored.

When the amendment was first unveiled, civil liberties advocates noted that the provision would encompass hotels, libraries, and coffee shops, and so they were excluded. But the vast majority of U.S. businesses remain fair game. Including barber shops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, and any small business that provides wifi to their customers via routers.. ....

The Senate is scheduled to v**e on the bill this week.

Section 702 expires on April 19, but the Biden administration has obtained FISA Court approval to continue Section 702 surveillance until April of 2025.

Call your Senators now and tell them to block the "Everyone is a spy" surveillance bill.

Apr 18, 2024 15:14:50   #
Loneeyes Loc: Texas
My gosh they just need to hire a babysitter for everyone

Apr 18, 2024 15:51:57   #
AuntiE Loc: 45th Least Free State
Loneeyes wrote:
My gosh they just need to hire a babysitter for everyone

Think of all the g****r studies graduates who need a job. Of course, I would not allow a one of them one inch on my property.

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