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Describe BHO (our beloved President) in Two Words of Less (again, PG-13)
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Apr 27, 2016 15:57:44   #
fullspinzoo wrote:
Two words, "The WORST!"

Piece of Shit!

Don't count of as a word. It is a preposition!

Apr 27, 2016 16:31:29   #
Progressive One
samtheyank wrote:
Piece of Shit!

Don't count of as a word. It is a preposition!




noun: preposition; plural noun: prepositions; noun: pre-position; plural noun: pre-positions

a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in “the man on the platform,” “she arrived after dinner,” “what did you do it for ?”

Apr 27, 2016 16:34:47   #
lindajoy Loc: right here with you....
Loki wrote:
I'll save you the trouble. An entoproct is a primitive animal that consists of a mouth, and an asshole, and not much else. In Obama's case, the evolutionary process has progressed to the point where the two main features are not only completely interchangeable, but also completely indistinguishable, one from the other.

Well said my friend...Absolutely true as well...

He is always speaking out his derriere, no matter what comes out of him...Shrewd as a fox, taking orders rather well from those that own him....We know who they are as well........

Apr 27, 2016 16:40:04   #
Loki Loc: Georgia
A Democrat In 2016 wrote:



noun: preposition; plural noun: prepositions; noun: pre-position; plural noun: pre-positions

a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in “the man on the platform,” “she arrived after dinner,” “what did you do it for ?”

Good catch. Credit where credit is due.

Apr 27, 2016 17:26:05   #
robmull Loc: florida
America Only wrote:
Tooth Fairy ring a bell for ya, you stanky moron!

I rather like Aaron Klein's depiction of "BHB," AO, back in 2008, with his book; "The Manchurian President." So I go with "MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT;" an in-depth history of the communist, socialist and other anti-American radical agendas of "BHB."

Apr 27, 2016 17:37:23   #
Gaykenyanmuslimmarxist Sumbish.

Apr 27, 2016 17:46:05   #
Hemiman wrote:
Don't you mean ...hates conservatives.

No, I mean Conservatives HATE!

Apr 27, 2016 17:49:45   #
Loki wrote:
I'll save you the trouble. An entoproct is a primitive animal that consists of a mouth, and an asshole, and not much else. In Obama's case, the evolutionary process has progressed to the point where the two main features are not only completely interchangeable, but also completely indistinguishable, one from the other.

Nice to run across a conservative who believes in evolution. I thought they had run all of you out of the party...

Apr 27, 2016 17:52:05   #
fullspinzoo wrote:
I couldn't hold off until Saturday.


Apr 27, 2016 18:04:52   #
cesspool jones Loc: atlanta
PeterS wrote:
Nice to run across a conservative who believes in evolution. I thought they had run all of you out of the party...

That’s what the fucking media portrays....Soros need death!!!

Apr 27, 2016 18:09:25   #
PZG1225 Loc: Florida
mcmlx wrote:
Best one so far.

Especially since he needed one to speak to a class of 5th graders????

Apr 27, 2016 18:15:15   #
PZG1225 Loc: Florida
Sons of Liberty wrote:
Egotistical scumbagpieceofshit!

Okay you stretched the rules a bit Liberty....but you spoketh the truth..... You and Little Ball win the prize.

Mine is stealing from Rob's fave for him..,"Bathhouse Barry". Sorry Rob.

Apr 27, 2016 18:16:52   #
Carol Kelly
Aunty M wrote:
Totally incompentant

Best ever!

Apr 27, 2016 18:18:53   #
peter11937 Loc: NYS
Loki wrote:
I'll save you the trouble. An entoproct is a primitive animal that consists of a mouth, and an asshole, and not much else. In Obama's case, the evolutionary process has progressed to the point where the two main features are not only completely interchangeable, but also completely indistinguishable, one from the other.

Other word a forking WORM!

Apr 27, 2016 18:24:17   #
TexaCan Loc: Homeward Bound!
Mikeyavelli wrote:
Gaykenyanmuslimmarxist Sumbish.

That's a gooood one! The last word was my Dad's favorite 'name calling' word!

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